Base and Outpost Camp

2025 Clark, Dunn & Eau Claire County 4-H Camp

Base Camp at Kamp Kenwood & Outpost Camp Lake Wissota

Come and join us for Base and Outpost camp! Base camp will be hosted at Kamp Kenwood for grades 3-6. Outpost camp will be located at Lake Wissota Campgrounds for grades 7-9. We will be partnering up with Eau Claire and Dunn County again. Both camps will be from June 9-12, 2025. Youth that are in 9th-13th grade can sign up as camp counselors.

We are hiring for camp counselors! Camp counselor training will be a combination of Zoom and in person trainings. Below are the in person dates. (February dates will be overnight training):

  • Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 8-9, 2025 (Located at Beaver Creek, overnight)
  • Sunday, May 4, 2025 (Located at Kamp Kenwood)
  • Sunday, June 8, 2025 (Located at Camp Kenwood)

Camp Counselor (Applications: October 17- Jan. 6)
We are excited to be hiring camp counselors for Base Camp. To apply to be a camp counselor youth must be in 9-13th grade. If youth choose to participate in Outpost Camp you cannot be a Base Camp Counselor. Our max capacity for counselors is 20. We do encourage all youth that are eligible to apply. All Applications are due Jan. 5, 2025 by midnight.

Camp Counselor Application: Click Here (Closed)

Grades 3-6  Base Camp at Kamp Kenwood (Registration: March 11 – April 20, 2025)
So, what’s going on during this Base Camp? We will have a new cook for this year. Her name is Bryanna and she makes very yummy food! The activities at camp might include canoeing, kayaking, painting, sculpting, tie dying, baking, playing big base and volleyball explosion and much much more. Camper will be sleeping in cabins for three nights in a row! The cost of this camp will be an estimated cost of $125.

If you are signing up your youth for camp, please refer to 4-H online. The title for camp is “Eau Claire-Dunn-Clark Summer Camp”.

Grades 7-9 Outpost Camp at Lake Wissota (Registration: March 11 – April 20, 2025)

So, what’s going on during Outpost Camp? Outpost camp will be located at Lake Wissota Campground, and we have a group camp site reserved. During this camp campers and volunteers will be sleeping overnight in tents and eating food prepared by the campfire (Some meals will be provided and consumed at Kamp Kenwood as well.). Activities might include participating in an all-day canoeing trip along Lake Wissota, hiking around the several hundred acres of Lake Wissota State Park, learning how to use a compass, identifying tracks and scat and much more. Estimated cost of this camp is $125.

Chaperone Interest Form (Due May 12) 
We are happy to announce that 2025 camp planning has kicked off and we are looking for chaperones. (Camp Chaperones are the best!) To make camp happen we need a 1:10 adult to youth ratio. We are actively recruiting for outpost adult volunteers! If you like camping in tents and hanging out with middle schoolers come and join us! Reach out to your respective 4-H Educator or Extension Office.

Life Guard (Seeking for Base and Outpost)
If you are interested in being a life guard and have your certifications please reach out to Seth Harrmann If you have interest in becoming a certified lifeguard and want to help with camp. The camp will pay for your certification.

Camp Nurse (Seeking for Outpost)
If you are interested in being the camp nurse and have your certifications please reach out to Seth Harrmann

Camp Cook (Filled)
Clark, Dunn, and Eau Claire County are looking for a camp cook. Camp this year will be taking place at Kamp Kenwood located in Chippewa Falls, from June 8-12. Camp size will be between 70-80 youth campers and will need to cook for a total of 100 people. To be qualified for this position we are asking that you know how to cook for bigger groups; church groups, schools, camps, restaurants. This position will be supervising meal clean up. The campers will be in charge of clean-up after each meal. Camp cook is not required to stay overnight. The cooking staff will be given a $500 stipend. If there is more than one paid kitchen staff person then the stipend will be split.

If you are interested in cooking for us please click: Camp Cook Duties

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