Performance Arts/ Drama / Music / Speaking Contests

Performance Arts, Drama, Music and Speaking Contest March 2nd 2024 at Thorp Elementary School

Rules and Regulations

Cloverbud Speaking/Demonstration Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

Drama / Mini Drama / Skit Regulations

Registration Form – Drama

Drama/ Mini Drama/Skit Evaluation Form (Judges Form)


  1. Performances must include two or more actors/actresses.
  2. Each group is limited to one play of any length up to 30 minutes, including set-up and take-down time. It is suggested that performances be about 20 minutes in length (if the group wishes to go to State Fair).
  3. All actors/actresses must be 4-H members. The director(s) may be 4-H member(s) and/or adult 4-H volunteer(s).
  4. A few basic props may be available (upon request), such as a table and chairs. Drama groups should plan to furnish any special props and sound equipment they need.
  5. No special stage lighting or sound will be available.
  6. No hay bales, straw bales, candles, or real fire can be used.


  1. Mini dramas and skits can be performed at or in any setting and might include puppetry, creative dramatics, etc. No stage lighting will be provided (beyond the county level).
  2. Mini dramas may use props and costumes.
  3. Skits use minimal props and costumes (less is better).
  4. Performance length can be up to 15 minutes, including set-up and take-down time.
  5. All actors/actresses must be 4-H members. The director(s) may be 4-H member(s) and/or adult 4-H volunteer(s).
  6. No hay bales, straw bales, candles, or real fire can be used.

The Music/Drama/Speaking Committee would like to encourage and recommend that pieces selected for Music/Drama Festival and Speaking Contest are prepared for these 4-H events and not for other events such as Forensics or Solo/Ensemble.   Work should be original work of the 4-H members under guidance of 4-H Youth Leaders or4-H Volunteer Leaders.

Music Regulations

Registration Form – Music

Music Evaluation Form (Judges Form)


  1. Groups and all soloists must supply any props needed including piano/keyboard and folding chairs.
  2. No microphones allowed for any performances.
  3. Accompaniment and direction can be by 4-H members or adults.
  4. Group performances must be no longer than 15 minutes in length, including set-up and take down. Make sure that your performance, not only the music, singing, etc. but everything you do on stage fits within the 15 minute time limit.  If you go over the 15 minute limit, you may be dropped a placing (at judge’s discretion).
  5. Solos must be 10 minutes or less – includes set-up and performance.
  6. Adult accompanists or directors are not allowed to sing along with their group/soloist presentation.
  7. Leaders, parents, and family members, as well as participants, are encouraged to attend evaluation sessions, following their performance.
  8. No hay or straw bales, candles or real fire can be used.


  • Must have 3 or more vocalists with or without accompaniment, with or without props.
  • Accompanists may be recorded, but must not include vocals.


  • Instrumentalists with standard musical instruments, with or without costumes and props.


  • Must have ONE or more dancers. (change for 2023)
  • Accompaniment may be recorded, with or without costumes or props.


  • Must have 3 or more vocalists, instrumentalists or dancers or any combination of these three.
  • Must express themselves and place emphasis on musical expression.
  • Pantomiming to recordings is not permitted.
  • Accompanists may be recorded, but must not include vocals.


  • Piano solos and duets and other instrumental solos and duets will be judged separately.
  • Piano and other instrumental performances must provide sheet music for the judge.
  • Music does not have to be memorized.
  • Vocal solos/duets may have a live accompanist or a CD.
  • If using CD there can be no vocal on the CD.
  • Instrumental solos/ duets may only use taped accompaniments.

The Music/Drama/Speaking Committee would like to encourage and recommend that pieces selected for Music/Drama Festival and Speaking Contest are prepared for these 4-H events and not for other events such as Forensics or Solo/Ensemble.   Work should be original work of the 4-H members under guidance of 4-H Youth Leaders or 4-H Volunteer Leaders.

Speaking Contest Regulations

Registration Form – Speaking

Speaking Evaluation Form (Judges Form)


Interpretive Reading Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

  1. Selections may be prose or poetry, original or a selected reading. If not an original reading, the author should be credited.
  2. Participants use full size copies of their selections.
  3. Facial expression, hand gestures, and limited body movement to express your interpretation of the reading is expected.


Speech Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

  1. Entrants select their own topic area and develop the speech themselves.
  2. Speech should be memorized and notes used only as a reminder.
  3. No posters/props may be used.
  4. A podium will be provided for those choosing to use one.

 ANY OTHER SPEAKING CATEGORY (conducted by one person)

Any other Reading Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

  • Monologue – Individual expresses their thoughts (it may seem like the character is addressing him or herself) in a long speech
  • Dramatic Monologue – has theatrical qualities, a single person, utters the speech that makes up the whole of the poem/story
  • Soliloquy – 1 an utterance or discourse by a person who is talking to himself or herself or is disregardful of or oblivious to any hearers present (often used as a device in drama to disclose a character’s innermost thoughts):  Hamlet’s soliloquy begins with “To be or not to be.”
    2 the act of talking while or as if alone.
  • Apostrophes – occurs when a speaker directs their speech to a third party that is an abstract quality or inanimate object
  • Spoken Word – is an oral art that focuses on the aesthetics of wordplay, intonation, and voice inflection. This is a “catchall” including any kind of poetry recited aloud hip hop, jazz poetry, poetry slams, etc.  Individuals can create their own oral art or find a published piece
  1. Option selected should be memorized
  2. Use of props, costume, chair, podium, or standing are allowed for interchangeable use
  3. Introductions are encouraged and should include name, 4-H club, title, type and the author.


Storytelling Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

  1. The story may be original (written by storyteller), written by someone else, true, or make-believe. If not original author should be credited.
  2. Storyteller must sit in a chair.
  3. Costumes and props are permitted.
  4. Introductions are encouraged and should include name, 4-H club, title, and the author.
  5. Story must be memorized.


Dynamic Duo Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

  1. Selections may be original or a selected reading.
  2. Dynamic Duos are performed by two 4-H members, any combination of grades. This is an interpretive reading consisting of a dialogue for two.
  3. If not an original work the author should be credited.
  4. Participants should use full size copies of their selections (not note cards).


Demonstration Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

A 4-H demonstration is a chance to show others what you have learned in a project or activity.  It is a planned presentation that puts words into action.  It is a step-by-step presentation showing how to do something or an illustrated talk using charts to explain an idea or procedure.  Demonstrations may be done as an individual or as a team.


Registration Form- Varied Talent

Varied Talent Evaluation Form (Judges Form)

General Rules & Guidelines

  1. Performances may be by individuals or groups
  2. All performers must be 4-H members
  3. Performances may be up to 15 minutes in length
  4. Props or costumes may be used
  5. No hay bales, straw bales, candles, or fire can be used
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