Green Thumb Challenge

2024 Planter Challenge

2024 Planter Location

Rules and Guidelines

  1. The planter container should a large animal mineral bin/barrel.
    Common colors are black and blue.
    Drill holes in the bottom for proper drainage.
  2. Put your club name somewhere on the planter in a visible location.
  3. Plants should be started and maintained through growing season.
  4. Please identify the plants you have placed in your planter and who participated in creating the planter.
  5. Plants should be seasonal and grown in the planter
  6. Planter must be on fairgrounds by 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday (week of fair).
  7. Planter locations will be drawn at the July All Leaders meeting.

Participation prizes for 4-H clubs courtesy of the 4-H Leaders Federation.

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