
A variety of newsletters are published or distributed by the Clark County Extension office on behalf of Educators, Community Partners, or Local and State Cooperating Programs.

Extension Views

(Agriculture and Adult Education Newsletter)

The Extension Views is the Agriculture Newsletter developed by the Crops Educator, Dairy and Livestock Educators, and the Administrative Assistant. It contains research and experience based articles from our Regional Educators and their colleagues. It is also filled with event, workshop, and meeting flyers to keep farmers and agricultural business informed of upcoming educational opportunities. The purpose of the newsletter is to keep readers up to date on the current news, trends, and events that may affect them and their business.

Cloverleaf (4-H Newsletter)

The Cloverleaf is the 4-H newsletter put together by the 4-H Educator and the Program Assistant. This newsletter has upcoming events, activities and important information for 4-H families and clubs.

“Just In Time” Parenting

Just in Time Parenting is a free parenting newsletter that is delivered by email and specific to a child’s age and needs. They are designed so that information that’s relevant to your family is automatically delivered to you just in time!

Grapevine (HCE Newsletter)

The Grapevine is the Clark County HCE (Home and Community Education) newsletter. HCE is a longtime Community Partner of Extension. Clark County Extension helps and supports this organization through advertising events, sharing their newsletter, and attending and supporting their local and district events through cooperation of our Human Development and Relationships Educator.

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