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Nutrition Education

FoodWIse advances healthy eating habits, active lifestyles and healthy community environments for families with limited incomes through nutrition education at the individual, community and systems levels.
FoodWIse is federally funded by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP).
Each year FoodWIse delivers nutrition education to more than 50,000 participants statewide. Partnering with community-based organizations, we use a combination of evidence-based strategies designed to promote change for individuals, families and communities and help make the healthy choice the easy choice.
Food Pantries and Farmers Markets
Clark County offers a variety of Food Pantries and Farmers Markets in most towns. The mission of the Clark County Food Resource Group is to network together to provide awareness, support, and resources to help reduce hunger in Clark County.
or download the Clark County Food Resource Group pdf (1MB)