Clark County Livestock Projects

Species Specific Project Information


Breeding Stock, Market Animal, and Beef Committee Information


Breeding Stock, Market Animal, and Goat Committee Information


Breeding Stock, Market Animal and Poultry Committee Information


Show Rabbit, Market Animal and Rabbit Committee Information


Sheep Breeding Stock, Market Lamb, and Sheep Committee Information


Swine Committee Information

Livestock Rules and Regulations

Each year the Clark County Livestock Committee updates their Rules and Regulations handout. Below are the links to the most recent copy as of 12/2024.

Livestock Educational Session

What is the purpose of Educational Sessions? Why do I need to do them?

Livestock Educational Verification form (pdf 154kb)

Livestock Committee Scholarship

What is the Livestock Committee Scholarship?

The Livestock Committee Scholarship is scholarships offered by the Clark County Livestock Committee to aid young adults with their post-secondary schooling related finances. All decisions regarding the scholarship are at the discretion of the Clark County Livestock Committee. The Extension Office does not make any decisions related to this scholarship.

Who can apply?

High School Seniors and College/Tech School Freshmen who have participated in the Clark County (WI) 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale program for a minimum of two years.

When is the Scholarship Application due?

Applications must be submitted by March 1st, 2025.

Livestock Committee Minutes

Minutes are not approved until the next meeting. Typically there is a spring meeting (March)and fall meeting (late September/early October) for all species and the general livestock committee.




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